Estevan Mota helps in office and at SLMS
Senior Estevan Mota is one of many students who take part in the Supervised Business Experience, or SBE, program.
“I'm an intern!” said Mota. “I'm...
Quentin Coates Has Overcome Numerous Obstacles
Quenton Coates Feature
Senior Quenton Coates is the varsity goalie and team captain. He has to had many bumps in the road to...
The Commons Means Time for Lunch
Juniors Austin Dismond, Thomas Palmer, and Alex Breshears become enamored when the bell for lunch sounds throughout the school. Lunch time is a time...
Teen Read Week Zombies vs. Humans
To celebrate Teen Read week, the library media specialists organized a Zombies versus Humans competition for students at West.
The game started Monday, and all...
Classic Car remains Classic
Katie Davila reports on a local family that has kept a 1934 Chevy Coupe that has been bought and restored many times over the...
Dalton McAdams Shares A Much Different Love Than Most Teens
Dalton McAdams Feature
Senior Dalton McAdams biggest passion isn't sports, but trains. As his love for trains grows so does his knowledge of...