Truck or Treat Has An Important Guest
DUTV Adrianna Wibble from karrie smythia on Vimeo.
Lee's Summit Methodist Church hosted its annual Truck or Treat on October 31th. Katie Davila reports...
Juniors: Make an appointment with your counselor
Juniors don't forget to make an appointment with your counselor planning out college and graduation requirements.
Aggression Breaks Out At Winning Football Game
The football beat the Parkview Vikings 61-18 Monday night advancing them to the next game Saturday at home. Altercations between both coaches and players...
Junior Class of 2014 Sign For Excellence
Junior Justice German-Martinez along with the rest of the class signs their banner committing to excellence. Class rings were then passed out along with...
Volleyball Places 2nd at State
The volleyball team placed 2nd at state, falling against Lafayette high school.