West Remembers Sgt. Morgan
A memorial has been placed in the Social Studies department, honoring the late History teacher John "Sarge" Morgan.
Morgan passed away during the last few...
Wrestling Season Kicks Off
Here is a look into the upcoming season of Titan Wrestling
Invisible Children Works With School Store
For one dollar the school store is selling Invisible Children's bracelets for a fundraiser. Invisible children will also continue to sell hot chocolate.
Photo by...
Marching Band’s Last Performance
Titan Pride percussionist Freshman Trevor Allen, Johnny Briseno and Sophomore Matt Petrucci and Collin Whittaker ended their marching band season Saturday as the Football...
Last 12th Man Moments
Senior Alex Westheus, one of the 12th men, soaks up the final minutes of the high school football season for LSW. The reigns of...
Cinderella Prep
Ashton Dobson reports on the hard work of preparation by the Heart of the America Youth Ballet for their fall production. They performed the...
LSW Teacher Serves Community
Veronica Merrell reports on Jennifer Bailey and her volunteer work as a scuba diver to help the Lee's Summit community.
Football falls to Ozark
The Titans faced off against 10-1 Ozark Saturday, Ozark took an early lead against the titans with the score at the end of the...
Boos and Barks Costume Parade
Downtown Lee's Summit hosted its annual boos and barks costume parade October 27th. Dogs and children marched in this parade