Grisamore Takes On Responsibility

Junior Sarah Grisamore learned to grow up fast. With nine brothers and sisters, she takes on the role as the second mom. Rachel Schultz...

Admire Reaches His Dreams

Culinary Classes Feed Staff

Earlier this school year the culinary arts classes here at Lee's Summit West were given the opportunity to feed the staff members of the...

Westside Girls Dominate Another Weekend

The Westside Girls headed North this weekend to dance in the KC Classic at Liberty High School. The team ended up taking first in...

ROTC Hosts Drill Meet

Student Led By Family Tradition

Matt Hall is a sophomore here at Lee's Summit West. But Lee's Summit isn't the only place Hall has called home. Originally from Seoul,...

Pay It Forward: Life Skills

Here at Lee's Summit West there are nineteen students that participate in the Life Skills program. These students learn skills that will help them...

Adam Barry-Ford Just Wants To Fly

While some people wish they could have the super power of flying, Adam Barry - Ford wants to have it as a career

LAX Registration Continues Today

Lacrosse players began registering for the spring sport in the commons Tuesday. Registration will continue today from 3-7 in the commons. Photo by Ariel...