Forever Falcon Reunion 2022

2022 Titan seniors revisited memories at SLMS and opened their eighth grade letters they wrote to their future selves.

Senior Plans to Continue Track Career

Senior Plans to Continue Track Career

Coach Careswell Retires and New Coach Takes Over

Coach Careswell Retires and New Coach Takes Over

Drumline Marches Through

Drumline Marches Through

Titan Teachers and Students Take on Wordle

Find out who guessed the word of the day the fastest!

Debate Students Argue Wheels or Doors

We set four of our top debate students against each other to decide what there are more of in the world; wheels or doors?

Boys Lax vs. Liberty @ LSW

Photos by Hayden Peters

Titan Television Show 2

Another intro addition of Titan Television

Mighty Man Movie Trailer

A movie trailer project done in the Intro to Broadcasting/Video Technology class. Project by Kaelyn Johnson.