Role Playing Club Meets in Library
Senior Talon Townley listens to Senior Joelle Frye's explanation of the game Dungeons and Dragons. They are both members of the newly formed Dungeons...
Recruiter’s Lunch Room Challenge
Senior Ally Childers takes on the naval recruiters challenges during the three lunch shifts at the end of last week. Photo by Kathryn Hilger
Swim and Dive Takes on Oak Park and North Kansas City
Senior Captain Nina Privitera warms up for the diving portion in Dec 19 meet against Oak Park. Although the girls would go on to...
Titans fall to LSN
Sophomore Gary Davis looks to pass an opponent and helps score another two points for the Titans. West lost a tough game to the...
Blue Jays Take Down Titans
Lee's Summit West girls basketball team took on the Liberty bluejays. The titans started off strong in the first half, but would lose it...
Father Daughter Dance
This past weekend, FBLA hosted the annual Father-Daughter dance fundraiser.
The dance is held for elementary school girls who will eventually become future Titans and...
From LSWestonline
Remember teachers return Wednesday and classes resume Thursday Jan 3. First, second, and fourth hour finals will be completed.