A Special Polar Plunge

On Saturday, January 26th a special event took place at Longview Lake, the Polar Plunge. The Polar Plunge is a fundraiser held every year...

Dominic DeAngelis YouTube Sensation

Former West student Dominic DeAngelis has made a name for himself through his popular YouTube broadcasts. More to come this week! Photo by Geena...

Spring Break “Staycation”

Many students in Lee's Summit did a "staycation" for spring break rather than traveling out of town. Some went to Crown Center, the Plaza,...

Clash of The Titans

Bringing Heat to a Cold Day

  Spectators watch on as a fire breather walks a long with the parade. The Emerald Isle Parade went through downtown Lee's Summit on March...

St. Patricks Day

Behind the Scenes of STN Sweet 16

In just sixteen short hours, 25 students worked together to produce a short film and a news show. Here's a sneak peak of what...

STN Nationals Spot Feature

Mason Fender reports all the way from Los Angeles California for Student Television Network. Jade Thomas, Ashlyn Oswald, Rachel Schultz, and Fender worked hard...

STN Nationals Sweet 16