STN Sports Highlight

John Langham reports on a wrestling match for the Student Television Network.

STN Stand Up

Lindsay Culbertson reports all the way from Los Angeles, California on the flu epidmeic for her stand up competition at STN nationals.



Video Tech students created this sort film on their plane ride home from LA.

STN Short Film 16 Hour Contest

LSW Video Tech program brought home a national award for honorable mention with this short film produced and edited in just 16 hours.

The Dangers of Tanning

New Program At LSW

Girls Track Starts Out Their Season

After minor set backs from the weather, girls track is finally underway. Hoping for a successful season, the girls put everything they've got into...

Titans Gather for Spring Sports

With spring quickly approaching, student athletes and parents attended a mandatory meeting. The 2013 Clash of the Titans brings in excitement for all athletes....