Pink Out Soccer Game Proves Uplifting
Funds and spirits were raised as the Pink Out event took place last night. Although the C-Team and JV lost, Varsity won. Photo by...
“Godspell” Prepares for the Big Stage
Godspell is the more modern adaptation of the the life of Jesus Christ and it's coming to West.
Junior Maddie Campbell said that the play...
Meteorology travels to the 41 Action News Station
Former West Science teacher Mr. Vovk joins Mrs. Irr's meteorology class at the 41 Action News Station on April 4th. Photo by Justin Hunley.
Weather Setbacks Baseball
Boys Baseball has been setback once again due to bad weather.
Staff Dominate Students in Basketball
Dustin Spalding reports on the annual student vs staff basketball game. With overwhelming support on both sides, the winning team worked hard to succeed....
IB Students Tour Truman Library
Senior IB HIstory students pose with a statue of Harry S. Truman. The history classes visited the Truman Library last week. Photo courtesy History...
Community Celebrates Easter
Kids of all ages gathered on this week's brisk Saturday morning for a parade through Downtown Lee's Summit. Stores passed out candy as children...