DJ Edwards Inspires With Music

Senior DJ Edwards uses his passion for music to influence other Christians. His supportive family drives him to continue making beats and inspire others....

Track paves through districts

To continue the road to state, the track team participated in districts at Ray Pec. Ashton Dobson reports on the athletes who glided...

Don’t Drink

  PSA by Joey Herndon and Drew Skinner

Flu Virus

Intro PSA by Madi Smythia and Lindsay Niehaus.

Snap on Your Safety

Intro PSA by Libby Kane and Kylie Oswald

Live Your Life

Intro PSA by Aubrey White and Hailey Simmons.

Don’t Drink and Drive

Intro PSA by Katie Rasmussem and Autumn Black.

Track Dominates At Districts

After a successful weekend for the LSW Track team, some members will be advancing to sectionals. Ashton Dobson reports on how the track team...