Passion for Trap Shooting

Trap Shooting has been a important part of Senior Audrey Thomas' life at Lee's Summit West. As a girl on the team, Thomas has...

Your Vote Matters

Softball Holds off St. Joe

During the 2012 Titan Softball Season, the girls took on St. Joe Central. The Titans would hold off St. Joe to a no hitter. Stacia Anderson reports.

Hard Work Drives Ratigan

The music program has played a major part on Dan Ratigan's Senior year. But Ratigan plans to take a different path in College. Alexis Coomer tells us about how music will help throughout his life.

Gouldsmith Lives Life A Different Way

7 year old Sam Gouldsmith lives with Gluten 1 Deficiency and Epilepsy. Gouldsmith has improved her life through living independently.

Bob and Maryanne

Akason Starts Her Career

Freshman Taylor Akason keeps her life busy and full of activities. But one thing consumes most of her time. Abby Dodge reports on this...