Senior Class 2014 Interviews
Rachel Schultz and Kennedi Johnson ask seniors important questions about their future.
Cellular Cenes Takes the Streets
Former LSW Theatre teacher Ben Martin puts on Cellular Cenes in Downtown Lee's Summit. This is a play where people in the audience get texts saying where each scene will take place. Jade Thomas reports on this unique performance.
Advice For New Students
The transition as a new student in a new school can be very intimidating. Lauren Carr gives us an inside look of what it's like to be a new student, as we find ways to make them feel welcome.
Editor Profiles: A Look Into the Past
Hailey Skinner
As another school year begins at West, students in all activities and social spectrums step into new positions and fill the shoes that...
Be The Difference
Student Ambassadors met with the Freshman Mentor Program to discuss the anti-bullying campaign: Be The Difference. Focused on welcoming new students and freshman, they hope to also stop bullying at West. Lindsay Niehaus reports on the event.
Titans Take the Field
The Titan football team takes the field during the Jamboree Friday night. The players showed development since the Clash of the Titans scrimmages, but...