Boys Swimming Qualifies for State
The varsity boys swim team competed against Marshall High and Blue Springs South High School. Senior Ben Peterson and the 200 meter relay team qualified for state. Tim Baggett reports on the meet.
Teaching In Another Hemisphere
Mike Duckworth is a new teacher this year at Lee's Summit West. After teaching at Lee's Summit North, he had the opportunity to travel to another country and continue to teach.
Chiefs are 7-0 For the Second Time in Franchise History
With the Denver Broncos losing to the Indianapolis Colts last night, the Chiefs are #1 in the AFC West and the League. The Chiefs beat the Houston Texans 17-16.
Learn About and Donate To The Cause
Titan Alumni member Quinn Cosgrove has set up to keep Titans and other updated on Sam's story as well as raise money for...
Titan Scroll Raises Cancer Awareness
The Titan Scroll Staff fills bags with ribbons of all colors to come out with the October issue of the Titan Scroll. The Newspaper...
Volleyball Heads to Truman Invite
Junior Carlisa May dives to save ball as Senior Nicole Fantuzzi and Bailey Katzfey move quickly to play it. The Titans will look for...
West Punishes the Panthers
Titan football charges the field to start Friday's game against the RayPec Panthers. West walked away with another victory 49-13. Photo by Michelle Stout.