Sex Ed in LSR7
In Missouri, sex education is not required to be taught, but the curriculum for sex education is based on abstinence due to bill 170.015....
Career Day 2023
Choosing a career path that will pave the way for the rest of your life can be significantly stressful for most teenagers. The thought...
Westside Girls Take the National Stage
Performing and hard work is something the Westside Girls dedicate their afterschool time to. After a hard season of dancing and performing at basketball...
Changes Coming for Courtwarming
There is a lot of talk about courtwarming around Lee's Summit West. This year, courtwarming is informal. Usually people dress up for courtwarming, so...
Breaking Through the Stereotypes
At Lee’s Summit West, there are tons of STEM activities and classes for students to get involved in. Within these options, there are also...