Behind the scenes: the dark side of Chick Fil A


Commentary by Geena Conrad

Companies control almost everything. Let’s just admit it. They fund our economy, whether we like it or not. But that does not mean that people need to succumb to the advertisements of chain businesses despite their own beliefs.

Chick Fil A, to be used as my example to explain how America works, is an openly conservative fast food chain, specializing in chicken sandwiches and discrimination in their foundation. Specifically, they do not support LGBT+ groups, donating some of their income to anti-gay organizations.

The real question at hand is, should people stop eating there if they do not have the same political views? Now this question is a tricky one; immediately my answer would be no, but at the same time there are certain circumstances that take part in the decision.

An article by The Atlantic opposes my views, saying ¨Do we really want a country where people won’t do commerce with those who have beliefs different than their own?¨

My rebuttal is, do we really want a country where no citizen cares about where their money is going and does not take any action on their political beliefs? If a company is openly against something you value, then why should you spend your money there? When you can get the same product somewhere else, such as at Slim Chicken, why sIMG_0285hould you give in to supporting something you are against?

Now enough with the questions, let’s get serious. I do not eat at Chick Fil A, never have and never will. That is a conscious decision I made after being aware of what their company is known for. BUT, I would not have made that decision unless if I was aware of their standpoints. Their political opinions have been made public by the CEO and they openly talk about them; without that action on their part, there would be nothing to discuss.

There are countless reasons to not go to a store or restaurant: health violations, bad quality products, bad service, and so many more. Political opinions are just another factor in our spending habits.

But of course, not everyone cares about where their money is going. Even people who are very supportive of the LGBT+ community still go to Chick Fil A, and that is their choice. They might just be thinking that there is no point, their money doesn’t amount to anything to the company and it doesn’t matter. In my opinionated opinion, it does. I’m aware that my lack of contribution does not hurt their company, but that’s not what I want. I want to be sure that I am not helping a cause that I do not agree with. I would much rather support a company that has similar political interests, or does not act on political opinions in the first place.


My source thing that I referred to:


