Girls Basketball teams declared



Winter sports are officially under way at West. Girls basketball tryouts took place Oct. 29 – 31. Over the three days, the girls practiced ball handling, shooting, layups, and passing, along with running. This seasons is going to look a little different due to the new coaches for the Lady Titans. Kristy Guffey, a new teacher at West this year, is now the head girls basketball coach.

Girls from every class at West participated in the basketball tryouts. Now that the teams are posted, practices are in full swing. Photo by Ryan Miller

“It was fun learning our new coaches’ approach to basketball,” said Sophomore Lauren Perkins, who tried out this year after being on the freshman A and JV team last year. Learning from a new coach oftentimes includes some adjusting for the athletes.
“It’s a big change but we are getting to know each other better and knowing what they expect of us,” said Perkins. “It’s hard to start over when you liked the coaches you had,” said Perkins.
No cuts were made and with the players for each team having been declared, the season is one to look forward to.
“We are a young team so I think we will grow and improve as the season goes on,” said Perkins.

By Abbey Stoetzel

