SBE Students Prepare for the Future

Emilee Clay


Superviser Business Experience (SBE) and allows for seniors to get paid at the same time as earning credits while working for the school. 

SBE Coordinator Meagan Chapman said, “Students work in a business office setting either on or off campus. Each year we hire for fourteen positions on campus at Lee’s Summit West, Summit Lakes, and East Trails. Students can also work for business in the community such as doctors, attorneys, and much more.” 

With having only fourteen positions available for occupancy and an average of 30 applicants per year, the selection process is competitive. 

After meeting the academic requirements of a maintained 2.5 GPA, 90% attendance rate, enrollment in a year long or two semester business classes, and three different teacher recommendations, each applicant will forgo a set of interviews both virtual and in person. 

During the reviewing process Chapman said, “Ultimately, the secretaries and assistant principals do the hiring for the on-campus positions. They are looking for hard working students that are dependable and overall a good fit for their offices.” 

Positions including the front office, counseling center, attendance, security desk, and student administration all form the SBE program. 

Having the opportunity to occupy SBE positions allows students the exposure to a workplace helping prepare them for future careers in business. SBE staff member, Senior Riley Elliot said, “I get into STAD at 6:45 and print off the substitute sign in and get subfolders ready for the day. I normally direct subs in the direction of their class and help with sub plans. I then say the pledge and do other little tasks Mrs. Rushton needs me to do throughout the day. Sending detention emails, printing things, running things to teachers, etc. I have a second, third, and fifth hour but the rest of the day I’m in STAD.”

Another look at the program are the various benefits it has to offer. As SBE has grown over the years both coordinators and staff members hope to see positive change offering students more opportunities to succeed. Chapman said, “The goal was to offer SBE as college credit. SLC was behind the idea of offering it as college credit and ultimately the high school principals decided against it. They are of the opinion that we offer too many college classes. I simply disagree with the decision and hope to see that change moving forward.” SBE staff member, Senior Truc Ho said, “If it does become college credit then I think that would be another amazing reason for people to apply for the SBE internship.” 

