’22 Senior Prank

  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.
  • Photo by Sarah Hall.

This year seniors have decided to leave their mark with more than just traditions. Due to rainy weather the senior sunrise was pushed back an hour, leaving the seniors just enough time to do the prank before the teachers arrived. The prank was initially intended on having students park in the staff/admin parking lot, but then turned into putting hot dogs all over the school courtyard. Senior Molly Meara showed out by wearing a hot dog costume, and holding a “beware of the dogs” yard sign.

