Language National Honor Societies Host New Event


Peyton Osborne

For several years at West, The Chinese Honor’s Society has held a language and cultural festival to highlight the Chinese language being taught at West. This year, all four of Lee’s Summit West’s language honor’s societies will be participating in a cultural and language festival. 

The primary idea for the booths is to show elementary school students the languages and cultures taught in West’s language department. Each language will have their own booth with little activities related to the language’s culture. They hope to use these booths to create an early interest in these future high school students to partake in a language. “We are hoping that by highlighting our languages, we can promote and celebrate bilingualism and language learning,” Catilin Mckinney, the French Honor’s Society sponsor, said. 

While the booths are geared towards elementary school students, families within the community are also welcome to enjoy this learning opportunity. The festival will be held on Saturday, Feb. 19 from 2-4 p.m. at Lee’s Summit West.

