Abby Sauer pursues creative outlooks in the kitchen


Abby White

Most teens these days are active on social media, but senior Abby Sauer takes it one step further engaging in a different side of social media with her food blog Instagram page, @abbigails.eats.

Sauer said that she took inspiration from a fellow Titan, Alumni Jamie Horn, “She has like an Instagram page and I kind of fell in love with hers and I was just kind of loved it,” Sauer said.

Along with inspiration from others, Sauer said she had always been up for trying new foods, and that blogging about food just made sense to her. “I guess my parents are kind of exposed me to a bunch of different kinds of food and I just love trying new things,” Sauer said.

Sauer said when she first started her Instagram page it was a private account, but eventually, Sauer made it public. “I kind of gave myself shout out on my personal Instagram page like hey you all should go follow my foodie Instagram because I love food. And so a lot of my friends now follow it, which is awesome,” Sauer said.

Sauer said she also enjoys blogging about her food finds when she travels. Sauer traveled to Waco Texas over spring break, along with her mother and fellow senior Audrey Ahrens. On the trip, Sauer said she found a lot of great food and cute restaurants. Sauer said that traveling and posting about food has also lead to her following growing.

“I go to Disney. And so like I had the stuff that you’d get at the Disney Parks, then I had a bunch of Disney moms follow me. So it’s just kind of like a variety of different people and different types of places that kind of like just accumulate over time as I go different places. So like, I’ll go to Waco and I got like a ton of people following me from Waco,” Sauer said.

Ahrens, who went on the trip to Waco with Sauer, said that while she had seen Sauer in action with her photography before, Waco was a fun new experience. “I knew this trip would offer new places and foods to add to her Instagram. It was really neat to see how much thought goes into each picture,” Ahrens said. “She has so much passion and truly puts her all into her page, and it has paid off as she’s been noticed and reposted by larger accounts,” Ahrens said.

Sauer said that she finds the restaurants she goes to by following other food Instagram accounts, food vlogs, and blogs. Sauer said that she continues to search for new places to go all the time. Sauer said she has “always kind of been like, on the search for like, the hidden gems of Kansas City, if you will.”

