Are you ¨The revenant” or “the Martian¨?


Quiz by Lauren Roberts


  1.  Your friend is running late and you’re waiting outside their house to pick them up.  It is almost time to be at the function you’re going to, you’ll be late if you wait!  Do you…


  1. Leave them!  You’d rather show up alone than late.
  2. Call a friend to take them there, and leave without them.  At Least they’ll get there eventually!
  3. Drive off, but turn back around in 2 minutes due to guilt.


  1. Would you rather…
  1. Be mauled by a bear but survive.
  2. Be left alone on a foreign planet with no communication.


  1. What you rather eat everyday for the rest of your life?
  1. Whatever you can find/hunt in a forest
  2. Plain potatoes with ketchup


  1. How you describe yourself as?
  1. Blunt and honest
  2. Lowkey not trustworthy, but at the same time compassionate and strong
  3. Always looking on the bright side; finding the best in things.
  4. A problem solver


  1. What would you do to someone who did you wrong?
  1. Seek revenge
  2. Forgive


  1. Which one describes you?
  1. Comical, always cracking a joke.
  2. Straight forward and serious.


To figure out which nominee you are, count up your points by reading the key.  The nominee that you have more answers for is the one you secretly are!


  1. a= revenant, b= martian, c= martian
  2. a= revenant, b= martian
  3. a= revenant, b=martian
  4. a= revenant, b=revenant, c= martian, d= martian
  5. a=revenant, b=martian
  6. a=martian b=revenant


Revenant?: You are a blunt person, but you show compassion for the ones you love and would do anything to save them.  When someone does you or a friend wrong, you can’t forgive easily because your strong feelings overpower you.  You’re an extremely strong person, and that includes your friendships.  You would do anything to save your friends.
The Martian?:  You are a fun person.  When it rains, you see the rainbow and not the clouds.  You love your friends and would do anything for them, even if you end up suffering in the end.  You love making others laugh with your comedy, and don’t get tired of routine.


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