Twenty Øne Piløts concert review


By Cassie Ferrick


One moment you’re turned talking to your friend, the next the electronic intro to ‘Heavydirtysoul’ is engulfing your eardrums. That was the song Twenty One Pilots opened with at their concert Tuesday night, and personally, it was an awesome decision. Actually they could have chosen any song to open with and I’d be happy, but let’s pretend I’m not biased here.

I’ve seen Twenty One Pilots livimage-3e once before, before ‘Blurryface’ came out, and they were absolutely fantastic. One of the greatest things about TØP is they sound exactly like their recordings, live. It’s weird. Well maybe not exactly, but it’s pretty close.

The set continued with songs like ‘Stressed Out’, ‘Guns For Hands’, ‘Polarize’, ‘Lane Boy’, ‘Message Man’, etc.. basically every song off the new album. (Except Fairly Local which honestly made me really upset. It’s such a good song.)

They also played some throwba
cks to their first two albums which was a pleasant surprise. Oh, they also played a cover of Elvis’s “Can’t Help Falling In Love” and it was beautiful. Just beautiful. I would have to say my favorite song played was ‘Message Man’, or ‘Goner’. I had really high hopes for ‘Goner’ and how the crowd would
react with the ending of the song and how they would play it and although they played it great and screaming “Don’t let me be gone” after the break was rad, I was a little disappointed more people didn’t scream it out too, come on, that’s like, the best part.

But besides that, the crowd was really hyped and there was so much energy. You could really tell everyone there was passionate about the music and were having a good time. I think one of the most beautiful parts about the concert was looking out into the crowd and seeing every single person with their hands in the air, singing out the songs along with Tyler.

image-2Ha, speaking of Tyler, he’s a complete (don’t mind my cheesiness) goofball. At one point during the concert, a fly landed on his piano and it was apparently the greatest thing for him. Out of nowhere, in the middle of ‘The Run And Go’, he goes “There’s a fly on my piano” and I’m not kidding you he stopped the concert for at least five minutes to talk about this fly and how it followed him from Philadelphia. Also, there was a ladybug. He took a picture of it and you can check Twitter for proof, it was on #c.

Overall, Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph are just really cool guys. You didn’t feel like you were at a concert watching your favorite band, you felt like you were at a concert watching your best friends. But best friends who are just really good at making music and giving one of the best shows you’ll ever see. To end th
is little review and sum the concert up, I can tell you that the first thing I said when the concert ended was “Wow”, and honestly that or predictably amazing is the o
nly word I can think of to encompass how great it was.  

