DIY: Photo Collage Letter


This simple DIY will teach you how to turn a wooden letter into a crafty decoration.

By Mackenzie Elliott


All you need are some simple materials for this DIY including:

  • A wooden letter (I found mine for $12.99 at Hobby Lobby)
  • Modge Podge ($4.99 at Hobby Lobby)
  • Paint and a paint brush (not necessary and prices may vary)
  • A sponge brush for the lodge lodge
  • Scissors
  • Box cutter or Xacto knife


I chose to paint the sides of my letter because I thought it would look better with a white trim. This isn’t necessary but it definitely adds an extra piece and if you have time, I encourage you to paint the sides!

To stop a headache while doing the DIY, I encourage you to plan our where all of your pictures will go on the letter before sticking them on with Modge Podge. This will give you a plan for how you want it to look and let you know if you need more pictures or not.

When you have it all planned out, start but spreading your modge podge onto a small section of the letter. I didn’t do the entire letter because I just wanted to work section by section. Stick the pictures onto the letter and let them dry.

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This step may take some “guessing and checking” to make sure that all the pictures are in their right place. I definitely recommend taking your time and not rushing through this step!

Once all of the pictures are stuck to the frame take your scissors and cut off any excess pictures. Try to cut as close to the edge of the letter as possible. Once you have cut as much of with scissors as possible, take the box cutter or Xacto knife and trim off the rest so that it fit the edge of the letter perfectly.


Once you are all done with that, the letter is complete! (Some recommend adding polyurethane to the top of the pictures, it is not needed for sure.)

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If you try this DIY, share them with us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram @lswestonline!


