DIY: Baseball Bracelet


Here’s an easy “do it yourself” to make a bracelet out of a baseball! Enjoy!


What you need:

  • a baseball (makes two bracelets)
  • Xacto knife/box cutter

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Now take the baseball and cut around both sides of the seem.

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Once you have done that you need to peel off the seem. (This is when you might notice you need to go back over, and cut leather a little bit more.)

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After you have done that, find where the red stitching starts, and cut the seem there. Then cut the rest of it in half. (Sidenote: I usually wash the two halves with warm water and dish soap to try and get rid of some of the stickiness from the baseball.)

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Then you’ll want to unlace part of the seam in order to extend the length of the red string.

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Then cut off the excess leather, and do this to the other side as well.

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Then just tie it on your wrist, and now you have a baseball bracelet! (Notice: The bracelet will be curved at first, but after you wear it a few times, it will straighten out.)

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