Students look to what next year will bring


Story by Emily White

It’s not unheard of for students to go to school in the morning without a clue to what’s being offered on the lunch menu that afternoon. So, naturally, it’s no surprise that many may be just as clueless when it comes to deciding which classes will benefit them most a year from now.

Making a commitment to where they’ll be for seven hours out of the day a year from now can be quite intimidating. At the same time, a new year and new grade can bring new possibilities.

“Enrolling is a little stressful because I didn’t know if I should be taking college credit classes or not. I’m in a couple of IB classes and concert choir so four of my classes were already decided for me,” Junior Audrey Fleenor said. Although Fleenor is no stranger to enrolling for high school, senior year is filled with many unique and difficult decisions.

For example, seniors might wonder if it’s better to sign up for an “easy” senior year, or a more challenging one. Fleenor seems to have found a balance, having enrolled in both a few IB classes, yet still leaving room for a break. “Honestly I’m most looking forward to my learning lab that I enrolled for. I’ve never had one and I’m looking forward to time to do my homework,” she said.

Although the enrollment process is almost completely online, school counselors are readily available to talk to and help students work out any enrollment issues or answer any questions throughout the school day. Students asking questions and seeking help obviously keeps the counseling center on its toes scheduling appointments and trying to help everyone during one of their most busy times of the year.

“I had a question about my schedule the other day so I made an appointment to meet with my counselor. My question took two minutes to ask but I ended up waiting for my counselor for over 40 minutes. You could tell that they were jam packed with appointments,” Junior Drew Skinner said.

With the counseling center remaining so busy, it’s easy to see why online enrollment is probably the most efficient way for LSW to run. However, some students have mixed feelings about the powerschool process. “I like the convenience of online enrollment but I think that it would be easier to make a schedule while talking to an advisor instead of on your own at home,” Sophomore Kate Warnick said.

Although students don’t enroll with their advisor looking over their shoulder, they had the chance to discuss their choices. “I don’t totally understand why we have to meet with our advisors if we’ve already enrolled ourselves,” said Fleenor.

It’s nothing new, and it’s inevitable, but for this year’s graduating seniors it’s the first time not being a part of the decision making in four years. “It feels weird to be applying for colleges instead of high school classes. It’s a decision that is going to change your life more than any decision for high school,” said senior Josh Kratt.

Kratt is currently looking at the Air Force Academy, Kansas University, Wichita State, and Georgia Tech.

While titan seniors may enjoy the lack of enrollment stress now, for many it’s unavoidable and on its way as college acceptance letters come back into the mail. And soon, all students, ranging from incoming freshman to leaving seniors will feel as Warnick does, “I think I’m both nervous and excited for what the new year can bring,” she said.

