Infamous Card Game Sponsors Women in STEM


Story by Emily White

The infamous card game, Cards Against Humanity, has gained attention for the past several months, and most recently the past few weeks.

Cards Against Humanity is primarily known for it’s vulgar, adult content that is played in an “Apples-to-Apples” format. A suggestion card is played by the dealer, followed by each player submitting an answer card for the dealer to judge and select the best one.

In the past, the notoriously perverted and politically incorrect card game was famous for just that- being wildly offensive. However, the game has taken an unexpected turn.

On March 30, the Cards Against Humanity game line released a Cards Against Science edition, designed to mash both the offensive nature of the original game with the intellectual nature of the world of science.

However, the Cards Against Humanity staff took their new line a step further. Proceeds from the new card pack “will go toward funding for the Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador Scholarship,” according to an article in USA Today.

The scholarship offers a full-ride tuition for women seeking undergraduate degrees in any science, technology, engineering, or math degree (referred to as STEM).

Applicants can submit their applications as early as the fall of 2016, and a board of 40 women will review the applications, according to All 40 women on the board hold higher STEM degrees or work in STEM fields, and will even include representatives from esteemed universities and corporations such as Harvard medical school and NASA’s jet propulsion labs.

When asked why the scholarship was founded, Cards Against Humanity co-creator Josh Dillon said in a statement, “Women are underrepresented in science, tech, engineering and math, and we felt like the funding from this pack could have the greatest impact by making it possible for more women to get an education in those fields, and by giving them a platform to share their work and their passion for science.” Dillon also happens to be pursuing a STEM degree himself and will defend his thesis on astrophysics at MIT soon.

