Royals Fans: High Hopes After Last Year

Photo by Abbey Stoetzel

Story by Brooklyn Warrick

On Mon. April 6th Kansas City Royals fans were were gathered at either Kauffman Stadium or around a TV to watch the boys in blue start their season off at opening game of 2015. The boys gained a victory against the White Sox with the winning score of 10-1 at a sold old game.

After the Royal’s success last year making it to the World Series, a lot of fans have restored faith in the players.

History Teacher Matt Turner said “It’s been fun to be a lifelong Royals fan and witness not only great success last season, but also to watch the nation support the Royals.”

Last season, Turner had each of his students rub a piece of turf that was in Kauffman Stadium when the Royals won the world series back in 1985.

Senior Hanna Fikki works at Kauffman Stadium making custom jerseys and said that it is “the best job in the world”.

When Fikki started working at the stadium two years ago she said “I didn’t know a thing about baseball but now that I’ve gotten to know the game and players its a lot more enjoyable and I’m a big fan”.

Regardless if one is a die hard, or a restored fan, the Royals have support coming from every direction. “Last year you could see that this team truly believed they could do it. This year they not only believe, but they know they can do it,” said Turner.

“I want us to make it back to the World Series and finish what we started” said Fikki.


