Review: The Mowgli’s


Commentary by Abbey Stoetzel

The atmosphere was fantastic. The music was even better. It would be an understatement if I said the Mowgli’s concert was well worth th10958924_975416159135053_923146348761226069_ne ticket.

The first opening act was Hippo Campus. They walked onto stage and my first thought was that they were going to be bad. First, they look super young. But I was happy to discover that they were all 19 or 20, and they were all easy on the eyes. And yes, they were actually really good. If you’ve never listened to them before, and I can bet you haven’t, you should listen to them. Their music is different but so good.

The second act was Night Riots. I’m going to be honest; I only saw two of their songs. I left their set because I actually went to meet Hippo Campus. Another thing about them is that they are so so so nice, and really funny. Totally worth not seeing most of Night Riots. But whatever songs I heard from them sounded good.

Now the Mowgli’s: SO GOOD. I’m not the best at describing things, but they were so great. If you did not know, Colin, the lead singer of the Mowgli’s, is from Kansas City. And I can bet you he was giving his all up there on the stage, and that’s exactly how it felt. So many times he told us, being Kansas City, that we were awesome and he loved us. We even got to see his little brother play guitar.

They played their usual hits like “San Francisco,” “The Great Divide,” and “Say It Just Say It.” They also played so many new songs from their upcoming album, “Kids in Love.” Their new stuff is going to be even better than the last stuff. Get ready.

