Student Senate Puts a New Face on Courtwarming


Story by Emily White

The Courtwarming dance is the least attended dance held by West, but this year, the student senate is taking action in an effort to draw more attention to the post-winter break dance.

The student council has decided to hold a Sadie Hawkins dance rather than a Courtwarming.

“A Sadie Hawkins dance is where the traditional dance custom is reversed, and the girls invite the guys to the event, and usually pay for any expense. Of course, girls can certainly ask their male counterparts to be their dates for any dance, but it’s just a way to encourage transcending gender roles,” said student senate officer senior Allison Tsay.

The dance, being dramatically different from the traditional West Courtwarming, holds high hopes for student senate.

“My hope for this dance is to get everyone that attends LSW to come and enjoy the dance,” said Senior Jaylen Wilson, a student senate officer. “We even added a twist to the dance by encouraging couple dates to dress as a theme such as Jay-Z and Beyonce or Justin and Selena.”

Tsay claims a similar hope, saying “My hope is that this dance will become a long-standing tradition at West. Personally, I’ve always wanted to devise a creative way to ask someone to a dance, so this will be my chance. If anything, this dance will help everyone understand the amount of pressure and guts involved in inviting someone and that gender roles should be a thing of the past.”

Though the idea of asking a date can seem intimidating to some, Tsay assures it is not a necessary step.

“You don’t have to go with a date! Going with a group of friends is just as fun. There will be a costume contest and great prizes. Also, this dance is a great opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone and be bold. Everyone that attends will be making history at LSW,” said Tsay.

Though change can be a daunting idea, Wilson assures this dance will be nothing to worry about.

“This dance is a once in a lifetime opportunity, because it is the first LSW Sadie Hawkins dance and will be a totally different experience than past homecomings and courtwarmings,” said Wilson. “We have so much fun stuff planned for this dance, but if you don’t come you won’t experience the fun.”

Seniors Jackson Morrill and Jacob Ward dance at last year's Courtwarming. The Student Senate changed the dance for this year to  a Sadie Hawkins dance.
Seniors Jackson Morrill and Jacob Ward dance at last year’s Courtwarming. The Student Senate changed the dance for this year to a Sadie Hawkins dance.

