This past weekend, West students traveled to Jefferson City to compete in Youth in Government (YIG). Titans participated in the Legislative, Executive, and the Judicial branch of a mock-state government.
Seniors Christine Betts and Abbey Stoetzel, along with Juniors Max Lyons and Davis Perry went to YIG day early because of officer positions. Betts was a Committee Chairperson for the House of Representatives; Stoetzel was the Secretary for the House of Representatives; Lyons was running for Governor; and Perry was a Legislative Director for the YIG Governor.
Senior Christine Betts sponsored a Senate bill in the House of Representatives and was there when the bill was signed by the YIG Governor.
Junior Garrett Adams had his bill was signed by the YIG Governor, into YIG law. Junior Tyler Butler sponsored the bill.
Junior Tyler Butler, who merged his bill with three others, had his bill signed into YIG law by the YIG Governor.
Junior Tyler Butler won Outstanding Bill and Outstanding Statesperson for the House of Representatives.