Commentary: Homecoming, To Go or Not To Go


Commentary by Bailey Hamilton

This year LSW welcomed us to the jungle for homecoming. This past Friday the varsity football team took on the Blue Springs South Wildcats, winning 23-13. On Saturday the annual homecoming dance was held.

Friday during the homecoming assembly the king, Senior Emmanuel Llorente, was announced. Llorente said, “I honestly was not expecting to be king. I was super excited when I found out I got court and was so honored. Getting king was something I will never forget.”

Senior Madison Rodick said she attended homecoming with her best friend Lexy Peterson. Too often girls think that no date means no homecoming. We, as women, should not let boys decide if we’re going to get our dancing shoes on, get all dolled up, and go to homecoming.

Rodick said, “You don’t need a boy to take you to homecoming. It’s way more fun to just go with a group of girls or your best friend and just be silly and not have to care about anything. We had zero stress and we didn’t have to make any plans. We just got to go with the flow.”

As a girl, I know the pressure of having to have a date and going with a boy. But, I also know what it’s like to look back on your high school career and regret not going to school dances because of a boy not asking you. I would wholeheartedly recommended getting a group of friends together and going to every school dance. The worst thing that could happen is you and your girlfriends have way too much fun on the dance floor and you end up with a couple sore muscles.

Rodick said, “ I have gone to all four of my homecomings and I always had a blast. Lext and I didn’t want to miss out on a dance so we made sure to go and have lots of fun. These are the memories that we can look back on in a couple of years from now and laugh about all the fun we had and how silly we were.”

Llorente said, “one piece of advice that I would give to underclassmen is to just have fun and go to homecoming because it’s something you’ll never get to do after high school.”

Sophomore Macey Mick said she did not attend homecoming because she was not asked. Mick said, “ I think girls are so afraid to go with a big group of girls because going with a date has become such a standard. It’s embarrassing to tell someone you don’t have a date. It just makes for a different experience.”

If you are convinced that school dances just aren’t your thing, that’s fine! Have a movie or board game night with your friends. Just whatever you do, don’t sit at home alone, watching Netflix, and feeling sorry for yourself about not having a date.

Mick said, “My friends and I all hung out anyways and it was probably more fun than homecoming would have been for us. I still had a really fun night and we didn’t have to get all dressed up and dance with dates.”

Next year, if you have a date, great, but if you don’t, go. I promise you that you are not the only person in the school without one. Get a group together and get out on the dance floor making memories that will stay with you forever.

Photo by Abbey Stoetzel


