Titan Scroll Raises Cancer Awareness

The Titan Scroll Staff fills bags with ribbons of all colors to come out with the October issue of the Titan Scroll. The Newspaper staff took time to cut and pin over 2,700 ribbons in 12 different colors to show support not only for Breast Cancer Awareness Month but to all Cancers. Photo by Derec Owens.
The Titan Scroll Staff fills bags with ribbons of all colors to come out with the October issue of the Titan Scroll. The Newspaper staff took time to cut and pin over 2,700 ribbons in 12 different colors to show support not only for Breast Cancer Awareness Month but to all Cancers. Photo by Derec Owens.

The Titan Scroll Staff fills bags with ribbons of all colors to come out with the October issue of the Titan Scroll. The Newspaper staff took time to cut and pin over 2,700 ribbons in 12 different colors to show support not only for Breast Cancer Awareness Month but to all Cancers. Photo by Derec Owens.

