New Face: Mike Duckworth


Social Studies teacher, Mike Duckworth, is one of the many new teachers that joined the West staff this year.

Prior to teaching at West, Duckworth was living in Australia. Duckworth explained living in Australia as being, “Awesome. We lived between the beach and the mountains. I walked my son to school, played football on the beach. My daughter’s PE class went surfing. It was pretty cool.” Duckworth’s wife’s job was the reason they had to move to Australia for a few years.

Duckworth lectures his class on one of his first days at West. He is the newest member in the History wing. Photo by Taylor Miller.

He said that many things are different teaching here rather than teaching in Australia. Duckworth said, “The schedule is different. We would go nine weeks have three weeks off, have a shorter summer. During the school day all the kids, even up to year twelve would have a twenty minute recess in the morning, where they would go have a snack and socialize. We had shorter school days. It was very different in that regards.”

Story by Bailey Hamilton


