Mr.Campbell smiles cheek to cheek under the banner that honors his teacher of the year award. Campbell is a thatre and broadcasting teacher at Summit Lakes Middle School. Photo by Amanda Holler
On April 4th twelve incredible teachers were recognized at the Excellence in Teaching Award Ceremony at the Longview Mansion. Students nominate teachers that they believe deserve this award and at the end of the ceremony superintendent David McGehee crowned the “winner.”
Summit Lakes Middle School broadcasting teacher, Brian Campbell who had been nominated for the third time ended up winning the award. Alongside Campbell was one of his dear friends as well as fellow teacher, Michael Walker. Walker was also nominated for the award. With it being Campbell’s third time being nominated going through the experience again with Walker made it even better. Campbell said, “I was very surprised! Being nominated alongside such amazing educators is always in honor. Truly, I have always gone in to the nomination and interview for the teacher of the year process with no expectations at all. It’s wonderful to be nominated, great to be recognized, and of course the reception is always very nice, but wow, actually receiving the award never occurred to me. Two things happened when they showed my name on the sign. The first thing I thought was, “Someone else’s name ends in ELL like mine does? Huh, who knew?” As thy rolled the banner out further my brain finally connected. From that point forward I don’t remember a lot. Walker, who was sitting beside me, told me I said, “Shut up, and shut up… shut up”. To which he responded, “um no, you shut up and get up, they want you up front.” I was in total shock.”
Campbell said his favorite part of teaching is, “Aside from being a middle school kid every day myself, being part of the life of a human in process by making some part of their life better is my favorite.”
Since Campbell won the teacher of the year for our school district he goes on to the Missouri competition. Campbell has to have all of his paperwork in by July 1st. Best of luck to Mr. Campbell has he continues to the Missouri teacher of the year awards.
By Bailey Hamilton