Dan Ratigan Finds Success in Many Activities

Senior Dan Ratigan has accomplished many things over his four years in high school and is involved in many activities that have kept him busy over the years.Along with many of his earlier accomplishments in high school, Ratigan was recently named second chair timpani player of the All-State band, and was also picked to be Emmett in this years high school musical, Legally Blonde.“It is very exciting to be chosen for these different things. To have these experiences and accomplishments is really special,” said Ratigan.

Senior Dan Ratigan plays the role of Legally Blonde's Elle Wood's best friend and eventually, boyfriend. Ratigan participates in theater as well as band and choir.
Senior Dan Ratigan plays the role of Legally Blonde’s Elle Wood’s best friend and eventually, boyfriend. Ratigan participates in theater as well as band and choir.

With these different honors, along with regular school, band, and choir; however, there becomes a big time commitment.

“It definitely is getting taxing. There are so many things to balance with choir, band, school, the musical, and all the college stuff I have to do. At times, it can become very frustrating and tiring,” said Ratigan.

Ratigan is used to being busy during the school year as he has been involved in choir, band, musicals, and many other activities throughout his high school career.

“It is kind of just like business as usual, but the whole college and planning your future thing adds even a little more pressure,” said Ratigan.

Even with all this stress and pressure, there are also some upsides to everything Ratigan is involved in.

“When you are working and practicing for things it is hard and you really have to find inspiration from any place you can get it, but at the end when you get that finished product, and see everything that you have accomplished, it is all worth it,” said Ratigan.

Joe Snodgrass

