Old Bands Record New Music


New artists pop up on the Billboard Top 100 chart every week. Sometimes old artists and bands have been adding to the hit music or planning to contribute music in 2013.

Old artists that have new music coming out this year include the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, David Bowie and Britney Spears. Some people are excited and some people are skeptical about the new releases.

Some questions have popped up in the music industry of whether or not old artists and bands should make new music or stay to their popular years.

“I think its great, its what they should be doing.  The best way to keep from becoming an old dog is to keep learning new tricks,” said History teacher Blake Little.

“I think it’s really fun for the fans. It’s cool to see someone you listened to when you were younger come back and make new music. It’s interesting to see if they changed their sound,” said Junior Riley Manning.

Sophomore Hannah Talley agrees with Manning  and that it is neat to listen to new music from their childhood favorites.

“I think it’s cool that old artists are coming back because it’s been so long since they’ve made music,” said Talley.

Many remember the famous boy band consisting of Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas. Many also remember the rumors that the band broke up because Nick and Joe started doing their own music. This rumor is false because the boys are at it again. In last October, they played one show in New York. In November, they played two shows Los Angeles where they introduced a new song titled “Wedding Bells.” The song was in fact written by Nick about his recently engaged ex-girlfriend Miley Cyrus. This new song played together was a sign that fans have something more to be excited about than Kevin’s new reality TV show “Married to Jonas.”

Manning is one of those that are excited for the Jonas Brothers. Manning was a huge fan of them while she was in sixth grade and says that she is excited to hear the new music.

“I used to be obsessed with them so it’s like a blast from the past,” said Manning.

The brothers announced that they were going to be on tour in Latin America during 2013 and that there would be a new album as well.

But the Jonas Brothers are not the only old Disney stars that are trying to make a comeback. Miley Cyrus, who was recently engaged to actor Liam Hemsworth, is talking and tweeting about new music. She recently tweeted a picture of herself in the recording studio making new music.

“Her old music was pretty good and her songs always had a lot of meaning,” said Talley who is looking forward to the now twenty year old’s new music. Talley also thinks that Cyrus’ music will be very different than her old popular tunes such as “7 Things.”

“A lot of people didn’t like her music but now she’s matured some and she’s changed her image so people might like her more,” said Talley.

History teacher Blake Little said he is looking forward to a few other artists and bands.

“The only older band or musician that I am really looking forward to releasing new music is David Bowie.  He hasn’t released an album in 10 years so its been a long time coming.  Otherwise I am mostly looking forward to the new Strokes, Black Keys, Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and Peal Jam,” said Little.

The famous Britney Spears has also hinted about new music coming out this year. Although it has not been as long since Spears has made music like the Jonas Brothers or David Bowie, it has been a little bit of time.

“Some of her newer stuff just gets annoying really quickly. But I still like it overall. I actually recently just bought her new song with will.i.am. I just don’t see her making some huge comeback,” said Manning.

Some questions have popped up in the music industry of whether or not old artists and bands should make new music or stay to their popular years.

Bands from decades ago continue to record new music. History teacher Blake Little is one that has mixed feelings about certain bands "comeback." Photo by Emily Allen.
Bands from decades ago continue to record new music. History teacher Blake Little is one that has mixed feelings about certain bands “comeback.” Photo by Emily Allen.


“I think its great, its what they should be doing.  The best way to keep from becoming an old dog is to keep learning new tricks,” said Little.

“I think it’s really fun for the fans. It’s cool to see someone you listened to when you were younger come back and make new music. It’s interesting to see if they changed their sound,” said Manning.

Talley agrees with Manning  and that it is neat to listen to new music from their childhood favorites.

“I think it’s cool that old artists are coming back because it’s been so long since they’ve made music,” said Talley.

Another question is if the new music is generally better or worse.

“I don’t know that its better or worse.  It’s rare for bands to produce multiple seminal works because so much of music is the time in which it is produced.  The music is what it is but you can’t replicate the time and place of a previous work.  The best artist continue to evolve and move with the times,” said Little.

Other old artists and bands that have new music recently include the famous bands Aerosmith and Bon Jovi.

Aerosmith, a band that was got started in the 1970’s, released a few singles last year and released a new album on November 6 of last year which was eight years after their last album.

Bon Jovi, a band that started in the 1970’s as well, has been continually releasing new music since their first hit music. The band is has a new album coming out on March 26, 2013 called What About Now. Along with a new album, the band has planned a world tour to promote it.

But not everybody is enjoying the new music from the famous 70’s bands.

“I am not a big fan of their new stuff largely because I was never a huge fan of theirs when they were at their peaks.  They were always bands I liked but never loved largely because of timing.  Both were huge in late 80’s and had resurgences in the late 90’s, mostly missing my music wheelhouse.  Most of musical taste was formed between 1992-1995, so that means Seattle based rock and my parents old record collection,” said Little.

But whatever the popular taste in music is, most fans agree that new music is a good thing.

By Abbey Stoetzel







