Debate and Forensics Member Plan

Debate Juniors Elizabeth Triplett, Madelyn Cox-Guerra, and Senior Brittany James all meet Tuesday after school with Mr. Good in preparation for the upcoming tournament. The Titan's will be hosting the tournament, but will not compete because of common procedure. Photo by Elizabeth Mosakowski
Debate and Forensic Members Plan
Debate Juniors Elizabeth Triplett, Madelyn Cox-Guerra, and Senior Brittany James all meet Tuesday after school with Mr. Good in preparation for the upcoming tournament. The Titan’s will be hosting the tournament, but will not compete because of common procedure. Photo by Elizabeth Mosakowski

Debate Juniors Elizabeth Triplett, Madelyn Cox-Guerra, and Senior Brittany James all meet Tuesday after school with Mr. Good in preparation for the upcoming tournament. The Titan’s will be hosting the tournament, but will not compete because of common procedure. Photo by Elizabeth Mosakowski

