Estevan Mota helps in office and at SLMS


Senior Estevan Mota is one of many students who take part in the Supervised Business Experience, or SBE, program.

“I’m an intern!” said Mota. “I’m at the front office for most of the day answering phone calls, checking kids in and out of school, running copying machines and putting together the student bulletin each week.”

Students in the SBE program go through an application process to get a job working in the office of different schools. For being enrolled in Business Tech, and spending about half their day interning, they get school credit and a salary.

“I do get paid! It’s an awesome opportunity to be able to basically be paid for going to school!” said Mota.

Senior Estevan Mota works in the office during school hours with the SBE program, then goes to Summit Lakes to work with the students there. Mota said he enjoys these opportunities to work with the younger students. Photo by Ariel Thompson

Mota leaves for Summit Lakes after forth hour, and he works until 3:30. Then he leaves the office for the gym, where he helps the middle school students put on their production of Beauty and the Beast, Junior.

The combined experiences are really positive, said Mota.

“I’ve learned to work cooperatively with others which I think will come in really handy my career path-filmmaking,” he said. “I want to major in Directing/Producing.”

By: Anna Poudel

